Statistical Methodology
#. Ge, L., Yang, C., Zucker, D., Li, J., Wang, M., & Spiegelman, D.(2024), Measurement error correction for spatially defined environmental exposure on survival outcomes. (arXiv) Link
#. Ge, L., Zhang, Y., Waller, L. A., & Lyles, R. H.(2024), Capture-Recapture Approach for Extending Causal Inference from Observational Cohorts to Trial-eligible Target Population. (arXiv) Link
#. Ge, L., Wang, Y., Lukemire, J., Guo, Y.(2024+), A hierarchical independent component analysis model for Multi-site Neuroimaging Studies. (in preparation)
#. Hamaya, R., Wang, P., Ge, L., Giovannucci, E. L., & Wang, M. (2024), Statistical tests for comparing the associations of multiple exposures with a same outcome. (arXiv) Link
#. Ge, L., Zhang, Y., Waller, L. A., & Lyles, R. H.(2024), Utilizing a Capture-Recapture Strategy to Accelerate Infectious Disease Surveillance. (accept at Annals of Applied Statistics) Link
#. Zhang, Y., Ge, L., Waller, L. A., Shah, S., & Lyles, R. H.(2024), A capture-recapture modeling framework emphasizing expert opinion in disease surveillance. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 33(7), 1197-1210. Link
#. Zhang, Y., Ge, L., Waller, L. A., & Lyles, R. H.(2023), On some pitfalls of the log-linear modeling framework for capture-recapture studies in disease surveillance. Epidemiologic Methods, 12(s1), 20230019. Link
#. Ge, L., Zhang, Y., Waller, L. A., & Lyles, R. H.(2023), Enhanced Inference for Finite Population Sampling-based Prevalence Estimation with Misclassification Errors. the American Statistician, 78(2), 192–198. Link
#. Ge, L., Zhang, Y., Lash, T. L., Ward, K. C., Waller, L. A., & Lyles, R. H.(2023). Tailoring Capture-Recapture Methods to Estimate Registry-Based Case Counts Based on Error-Prone Diagnostic Signals, Statistics in Medicine, 42(17), 2928-2943. (early version won the Student Paper Travel Awards at the 14th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics, ICHPS) Link
#. Lyles, R. H., Zhang, Y., Ge, L., Waller, L.A. (2023), A Design and Analytic Strategy for Monitoring COVID-19 Positivity and Case Characteristics in Accessible Closed Populations. 193(1), 193-202. American Journal of Epidemiology. Link
#. Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Ge, L., Williamson, J. M., Waller, L. A., & Lyles, R. H. (2023). Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Two-Stream Capture-Recapture Methods in Disease Surveillance, Epidemiology, 34(4), 601-610. Link
#. Lyles, R. H., Zhang, Y., Ge, L., England, C., Ward, K., Lash, T. L., & Waller, L. A. (2022). Using Capture Recapture Methodology to Enhance Precision of Representative Sampling-Based Case Count Estimates, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 10(5), 1292-1318. Link
#. Kowalski, J., Sun, H., Chen, T., Liang, Y., Liu, J., Ge, L., Feng, C. and Tu, X.M. (2018), Modern variable selection for longitudinal semi-parametric models with missing data, Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(14), 2548-2562. Link
#. Ge, L., Tu, J. X., Zhang, H., Wang, H., He, H., and Gunzler, D. (2016), Modern Methods for Longitudinal Data Analysis, Capabilities, Caveats and Cautions, Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 28(5), 293-300. Link
Statistical Collaborations
#. Nash, R., Streiff, M., Barton, H., Ge, L., Jemal, A., Lipscomb, J., Lyles, R.H., McCullough, E.L., Lash, T.L., Ward, K.C.(2023+), Cohort Profile: The Cancer Recurrence Information and Surveillance Program (CRISP) to identify recurrence among cancer survivors in Georgia. (in preparation)
#. Hailstorks, T., Cordes, S., Cwiak, C., Gray, B., Ge, L., Moore, R., Haddad, L. (2020), Gabapentin as an Adjunct to Paracervical Block for Perioperative Pain Management for First Trimester Uterine Aspiration: A Randomized Controlled Trial, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 223(6), 884.e1884.e10. Link
#. Nalpin, N.S., Ge, L., Mehta, C.C., Gustafson, D., Robertson, R.K., Rubin, H.L., Sharma, A., Vance, D., Valcour, V.,(2019) Waldrop-Valverde, D., Ofotokun, I., Psychosocial Resources and Emotions in Women Living with HIV who have Cognitive Impairment: Applying the Socio-Emotional Adaptation Theory, Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 34(1), 49-64. Link
#. Li, H., Zhang, X., Meng, W., Ge, L., (2017), Visualization of Tomato Growth Based on Dry Matter Flow, International Journal of Computer Games Technology. Link